
List of things I'm distracted with.


A QR code based Scavenger Hunt for the Digital Age.

Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Servers

Everyone needs some downtime. This is a list of semi-public servers dedicated to the Pittsburgh Area. It is free to join, just requires whitelisting of your name and some details in case I need to contact you.

Wes Mason Photograpy

Wes Mason Photograpy

A side venture to help me explore my love for photography. Please consult the website for availability and samples.



Manage and run the Console Video Game Room as the Event since 2011.  RegenerationWho is a annual convention owned and run by Onezumi Events in Maryland celebrating Science Fiction, Fantasy, Pop Culture, and the Art that surrounds them.



Manage and run an event wide game for the Convention.  Please visit ConTag.us for more details on the game.  RegenerationWho is a convention owned and run by Onezumi Events that focuses on Doctor Who Fandom and maintains an extreme focus on ensuring the experience is the best for both Guests and Fans alike.

 My Story

My Story

Born and raised on Long Island, NY, I grew up with a thirst for technical knowledge.  As a child I was introduced to computers by my Uncle and never turned back.  Today I have centered computers and technology around almost everything I do.  That is reflected in my work, life, and play.  Below you will see links to only a small part of what I am interested in.
After visiting Pittsburgh back in 2014, I fell in love with the city and decided to move here.  I enjoy the atmosphere and rich culture in music, art, and technology.  Visit my portfolio to see many beautiful photos from around the area in Pittsburgh.

What am I working on now?